Nuestra misión y visión

La misión de EPACENTER es crear oportunidades para que los jóvenes de East Palo Alto descubran y amplifiquen sus talentos, desarrollen su potencial y creen un impacto positivo en el mundo a través de la expresión creativa. Imaginamos un futuro en el que todos los jóvenes de East Palo Alto tengan la oportunidad de convertirse en innovadores creativos y disfrutar de éxito económico y social en su comunidad.

Una carta de nuestro

Director Ejecutivo

Dear Friend of EPACENTER,

With all of the heartbreaking tumult across the world, and challenges here at home, it is important to focus on solutions that have demonstrated their impact. EPACENTER has been a bright spot in our children’s lives, here in the historically disinvested community of East Palo Alto.

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In 2023, EPACENTER continued to provide access to education, training, and workforce opportunities that spark the imaginations of East Palo Alto youth and prepare them for a future in creative fields. Our youth built the perseverance, creativity, and technological skills needed to thrive!

We hope you enjoy learning about our accomplishments and are excited to see what more we will achieve in partnership with local youth and families in 2024.

With Gratitude,

Nadine Rambeau

Executive Director


instalaciones en 1950 Bay Road

Over the past year, EPACENTER has become a thriving hub where young people from neighborhoods across the Peninsula come to participate in a range of engaging arts, tech, and wellness programs, at absolutely no charge. Our beautiful, 25,000-square-foot facility is fully equipped with an audio/video recording studio, maker space, immersive technology lab, art gallery, visual arts studio, dance studio, graphic design suite, black box theater, and more!



For students ages 6-18, we offered arts education classes after school, on Saturdays, and during the summer in graphic design, audio and video production, piano, ballet, photography, guitar, digital drawing, and more. In addition to our regular roster, we added new technology classes in beat-making, audio engineering, and interactive art designed to grow students’ capacities in digital media.

We provided a weekday summer program, offering nine weeks of arts enrichment classes, four hours per day, throughout the summer. Over 200 unique students, ages 6-14, participated in classes like drumming, jewelry-making, cartooning, Latin hip-hop, piano, painting, and sculpture, receiving over 180 hours of arts and design instruction. Our classes helped students develop skills they will need in the future.


En primavera, ofrecimos clases gratuitas de canto, pintura y dibujo, batería, piano y ukelele, guitarra, arte digital, fotografía, dibujo animado, artes y oficios, interpretación, guión, artes culinarias y mucho más para 120 jóvenes de 6 a 13 años, los sábados durante seis semanas.
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En junio lanzamos nuestro primer programa de verano entre semana, que ofrece nueve semanas de clases de enriquecimiento artístico, cuatro horas al día, durante todo el verano. Más de 200 alumnos únicos, de entre 6 y 14 años, participaron en clases de percusión, joyería, dibujo animado, hip-hop latino, piano, pintura y escultura, recibiendo más de 180 horas de instrucción en arte y diseño.

En otoño, pusimos en marcha clases extraescolares durante los días laborables, cinco días a la semana, para 75 jóvenes de edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 18 años. También continuamos nuestro campamento de arte los sábados por la mañana para 120 niños de 6 a 13 años. Además de nuestra lista habitual, hemos añadido nuevas clases de tecnología en creación de ritmos, ingeniería de audio y arte interactivo, diseñadas para aumentar las capacidades de los estudiantes en medios digitales.

En total, este año hemos atendido a más de 500 jóvenes a través de nuestras clases gratuitas de arte, diseño y tecnología.


Además de las clases, este año hemos contratado a 76 jóvenes de 14 a 25 años de East Palo Alto como becarios remunerados, lo que les ha proporcionado una experiencia laboral fundamental que no habrían adquirido de otro modo.
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Impartidos por artistas profesionales y creadores residentes, los becarios recibieron una formación personalizada al tiempo que aportaban a sus familias unos ingresos muy necesarios. Los becarios trabajaron en fotografía con drones, producción musical, redes sociales y marketing, producción de eventos, diseño gráfico, cinematografía y arte público, y a menudo adquirieron más de 90 horas de experiencia por semestre en el campo elegido.

Los proyectos de los becarios incluyeron películas, tarjetas navideñas, anuncios, publicaciones en redes sociales, eventos y murales públicos, todo lo cual los becarios pueden utilizar para solicitudes de empleo, carteras y admisiones universitarias. Nuestros becarios de arte público también pudieron ver su trabajo en la comunidad, ya que uno de sus diseños se instaló en un complejo de viviendas asequibles de East Palo Alto.

El mural, denominado EPA: Pasado, Presente y Futuro, presenta la imagen icónica de un joven que genera futuro apoyándose en la abundancia de la comunidad EPA. Los estudiantes querían destacar la generosidad de la comunidad al donarse alimentos y bienes unos a otros durante la pandemia, y subrayar cómo las bicicletas, o la energía autopropulsada, son una parte importante del tejido de la ciudad, y representan la naturaleza cíclica de la vida. Para crear su diseño se inspiraron en las sesiones de participación comunitaria con los residentes de Light Tree Apartments. El mural ha tenido tan buena acogida que los becarios han recibido encargos para futuros proyectos, como el diseño de obras de arte para cajas de electricidad y puentes de la ciudad. Proyectos como éste brindan a los jóvenes de la EPA la oportunidad de dar forma a su ciudad y expresar su agencia creativa.

Programas de bienestar

La pandemia de COVID-19 condujo a un reajuste del programa, ya que los jóvenes de East Palo Alto expresaron cómo sus vidas se habían visto afectadas por la crisis de salud pública y cómo querían que EPACENTER abordara el estrés que sentían en sus vidas como consecuencia de ello.
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En respuesta, este año hemos creado una serie de nuevos cursos para reforzar el bienestar físico y emocional de los jóvenes de East Palo Alto.

Hemos puesto en marcha Ride and Design, una clase en la que los alumnos aprenden a montar en monopatín antes de diseñar su propia cubierta; Culinary Arts, donde aprenden a cocinar con un chef profesional y llevan comida extra a casa para sus familias; y Circus Arts, donde aprenden a hacer volteretas, malabares y payasadas para levantar el ánimo. También ofrecimos clases de yoga “Mamá y yo”, en las que los padres y sus hijos se estiraban y desestresaban juntos, y clases de pintura en familia, en las que ambos hacían obras de arte codo con codo.


During the summer, we created partnership with the City of East Palo Alto Community Services Department, which ran part of its nine-week summer program for youth at our facility. The purpose of the City’s program was to alleviate summer learning loss, provide a safe environment during critical hours during the day, and engage students in a dynamic learning environment.
In the fall of 2023, we continued our programmatic partnerships with two long-standing, EPA-based, cultural arts/youth-serving organizations — Raíces de Mexico, a Ballet Folklorico dance company and Step It Up Dance, a dance company that focuses on African and African American cultural styles, and launched a partnership with Anamatangi Polynesian Voices, an intergenerational program in which Cultural Practitioners and youth leaders collaborate with youth on cultural storytelling, arts, and events. All three organizations held classes on our campus, bringing an additional 50 students every week to our site.

Community Events

In April 2023, we welcomed MacArthur Genius and NEA Jazz Master Award Winner, violin virtuoso, Regina Carter to a packed hall for an unforgettable fireside chat with EPA Mayor Lisa Gauthier. Former PACENTER intern, Founding Youth Member, and current Board Member, Staci Edwards joined her on stage to share an original poem which Regina has now incorporated into future performances of Gone in a Phrase of Air!

In July 2023, we celebrated East Palo Alto’s 40th anniversary with a great parade and block party during the Bay Area’s first heat wave of the year! The strength and resilience of EPA shined through—and we’re proud to honor the city’s heritage. The day began with a parade featuring a New Orleans Jazz Band, ending on Bay Road in front of EPACENTER, where a day-long street festival took place!

In September 2023, we held a community concert in collaboration with Stanford Live featuring the fabulous LADAMA. This group of four women, virtuosic musicians and educators from different countries and cultures of the Americas, harness music from their respective countries of origin (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and the United States) with a modern twist. An enthusiastic audience came together to dance to the rhythms in the autumn sun and celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month!

In November, 2023 we co-sponsored the third annual Nonprofit Racial Justice Summit, co-hosted by Thrive Alliance and Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits, with keynote speaker Angela Glover Blackwell. This vibrant in-person gathering brought together diverse changemakers, including nonprofit leaders, staff, board members, and cross-sector partners in government and philanthropic sectors, to champion racial justice and equity.


Over 1,500 people attended EPACENTER’s community events this past year.

We Launched


With funding from the California Arts Council and the San Francisco Foundation, EPACENTER launched a new workforce development program, the EPACENTER Creative Corps, for young adults ages 18-25. This program provides opportunities for young adults to “earn + learn.”

Under the guidance of local, professional artists, 25 young adults are providing free marketing services, like website design and social media management, to local housing, environmental, and civic engagement nonprofits. The goal of the EPACENTER Creative Corps program is to fuel the collective power of creative changemakers to help build healthy, sustainable, and thriving communities.


In addition to classes, we employed 76 East Palo Alto youth, ages 14-25, as paid interns this year, providing them with critical job experience that they would not have gained otherwise. Taught by professional artists and makers-in-residence, the interns received personalized instruction while bringing much-needed income home to their families. Interns were employed in drone photography, music production, social media and marketing, event production, graphic design, filmmaking, and public art, often gaining more than 90 hours of experience per semester in their chosen field.

The interns’ projects included films, holiday cards, commercials, social media posts, events, and public murals – all of which the interns can use for job applications, portfolios, and college admissions. Our public art interns also got to see their work out in the community as one of their designs was installed at an affordable housing complex in East Palo Alto! Projects like these provide EPA youth with a chance to shape their city and express their creative agency.

We Deepened Our Impact In 2023

For the students and interns enrolled in EPACENTER’s program alone, the impact of our work is evident in the feedback gleaned from their self-assessment surveys.

Profundizamos nuestro impacto en 2022

learned a new skill/art form

0 %

increased their creativity and innovation skills

0 %

Increased their ability to persevere through obstacles

0 %

increased their ability to work in a team

0 %

improved their ability to focus

0 %

2023 Intern Self-Assessment Survey Results

of interns said that they learned a new tech skill

0 %

would choose to take their EPACENTER internship again

0 %

say their internships helped them better connect to their community

0 %


In 2024, we will increase the number of students served, expand program offerings, host community cultural arts events, and launch neighborhood beautification projects in the City. Help us continue to support the youth and young adults of East Palo Alto!